
At the Children's Home of Kingston

Our professional Admissions Team works with parents, school districts, and clinical specialists to identify the needs of each student referred and assess the appropriateness of our programs. While we would like to be a resource for all youth in need of specialized care, we are not appropriately equipped to provide treatment for youth who display active fire setting, aggression towards animals, problematic sexualized behavior, or severe substance abuse. Additionally, we are unable to provide appropriate treatment for students classified as Autism, or students with an IQ below 55. However, we will consider IQs of 45-55 on a case-by-case basis.

To make a referral to our program

Please send via email, mail, or fax:
  • Cover letter requesting the desired level of care
  • Most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP) with demographic information
  • Psychoeducational evaluation (within 3 years)
  • Diagnostic evaluation within ONE YEAR
    • Evaluation can be provided by student’s treating psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, neurologist, developmental pediatrician or from  a recent hospitalization and must include diagnosis, treatment modalities utilized including medication and current level of functioning
  • Social History (within 1 year)
  • Last psychiatric note and current medication orders
    • Medical conditions and medication lists
  • Most recent report card. For students in high school or entering high school, please provide current transcripts

Enrollment Process

Admissions has a rolling schedule and referrals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by our team. 

Referral process:

  • Once received, the referral is reviewed within 5-7 business days.
  • If our program seems appropriate, an acceptance letter will be sent along with necessary documentation and paperwork.
  • Our clinical team may ask for an interview with the potential student if there are questions or concerns
  • Families are welcome to tour our facility on:
    • Tuesdays, 10am or 1pm
    • Wednesdays, 10am
    • Thursdays, 10am or 1pm
  • Once the student has been accepted and all parties agree to placement, Admissions will coordinate with the placing agency for a CSE or transfer meeting. Once this meeting is held and all necessary documentation is received, the admission can be scheduled!

Contact us

Admissions Department


845-331-1448 x1175

To ensure confidentiality, please send all student documents to: admissions@chkingston.org